7 Steps to Beautiful Skin
In the simplest terms, I consider these tips to be the most essential when it comes to keeping your skin beautiful and acne free!
Proper skincare regime You have to have one and you have to be religious with it! Know your skin type and choose products that are best for you. If you are not sure of what type of skin you have, go to a trusted esthetician in your area or check out my post for Understanding your skin type. A good skincare regime is as follows:
cleanse (morning & night)
exfoliate (whether it be a scrub, mask, or enzyme, always go gentle, 2-3 times a week, at night)
tone (unless your cleanser is specified to be PH balanced, morning & night)
moisturize (morning & night)
eye cream or serum (pick your preference and gently blot underneath eye area with your ring finger until absorbed, morning & night)
sunscreen (morning)
non-exfoliating or "treatment" masks (hydrating, firming, anti-oxidant rich, etc. Use these as much as you'd like)
serums / treatments (designed to treat whatever is your skincare concern, morning & night before moisturizer and after cleanser/toner)
mineral makeup (see below)
Mineral makeup is best because if it's a good natural brand, its free of pore clogging synthetic ingredients. Personally, I'm not a fan of full coverage makeup in general though. You should really only use thicker formulas (concealers, foundation sticks) as needed such as around the nose and under the eyes.
Facials You can do pretty much everything besides extractions at home, but extractions are indeed the most important part of a facial. However, I am amazed at how many people get facials and ask me to skip the extractions. Extractions are important because it helps to clean out all the pore congestion that accumulates, especially if you're rapidly producing oil and skin cells. Products also penetrate better with regular extractions. Not all estheticians are experienced in the art of extractions, and yes it really is an art so don't even try doing them yourself! A bad job can result in scarring. Always do your research. Every 6 weeks is best, but if you cannot get a facial that frequently, go at least twice a year when the seasons are changing. Find an organic facial near me.
Antioxidant Rich Foods along with whole foods rich in vitamins and omega-3's have all been proven to help acne and the skin's overall appearance. Supplements are a good alternative and are available at any health food store though I prefer to get my vitamins from the source. See my Acne Causing Factors post.
Water Yes it's important. Hydration is the key to healthy skin! Eight, 8 oz. glasses a day is the recommendation.
Stress & toxin reducing methods of any kind are helpful for reducing acne. Try several and stick with what works. Yoga is amazing at not only reducing stress but keeping all the aches and pains of daily living at bay. Any sort of exercise is beneficial. You can also meditate, get a massage, read a book, again, whatever works for you!
Sleep is important too and a lot easier to come by when stress is at a minimum. Try to get in 8 hours a night.