How to stay cool in the season of Pitta
As much as I love the summer, especially after this last long East Coast winter, for some of us these hot summer months can cause spikes in irritability, anger, and impatience. For these people, usually dominant in the Pitta Dosha, they also may already be prone to inflammatory skin conditions such as Rosacea and Eczema, and can suffer from terrible sunburns when exposed to the sun for too long without the proper SPF product. However, even if you’re not a Pitta, we all may get a little imbalanced during the peak of Pitta season. Here are some ways of staying cool in the season of Pitta:
Eating raw, light foods like garbanzo and green beans, potatoes, watermelon, dark leafy green salads, and avocados.
Drinking refreshing fruit drinks with pomegranate, cranberries, mangoes, and coconut. Try a cooling tea made with cumin, coriander, fennel and rose to help with soothing Pitta’s hot qualities and calm the mind.
Say yes to that eye pillow in Savasana! Pitta dominates vision, so cooling those dry, irritated eyes with an eye pillow isn’t only good for calming anxiety, it releases any tension being held in the eye region.
Wear clothing both light in fabric and in color to help keep you cool.
Practice a daily, slow moving Vinyasa flow yoga style. Meditation and Pranayama are especially important. Practice the cooling breath (Sitali) by rolling your tongue and breathing through it like a straw. Aren’t able roll your tongue? Stick the tip of your tongue out slighty past pursed lips and breathe.
Get out in nature as much as you can. Swimming is highly beneficial, as are evening walks.
If you do get a sunburn this summer, try this awesome recipe for a soothing aloe mask. You can get all the ingredients from your local health food store or vitamin shop:
Seaweed and Aloe cooling face mask
1 Tbsp. Spirulina or other seaweed powder
2 Tbsp. Aloe Vera Gel
1-2 drops of Lavender Essential oil
Mix and apply to clean skin for 5-15 minutes, then rinse off and apply toner and favorite moisturizer.