4 Rituals That Will transform your skin


It’s not a distant dream anymore, summer is here! Even though the official start date to summer is a couple weeks away, I’m sure you’ve already got your fresh summer wardrobe lined up complete with the cutest cut-away one piece, but what are you doing to get your skin in tip-top shape for summer? If you think the answer to this question lies in your makeup bag, fear not! Here are 4 easy rituals you can do at home to get your skin summer ready.


Eat Your Water

Who doesn’t love watermelon on a hot summer day? If you have a hard time staying on top of your water intake, take advantage of summer’s bounty. Melons, papaya, mango, pineapple are just some of the tasty ways to stay hydrated.


Scrub Your Body

There is no reason to go out and get one of those pricy exfoliating body treatments at a spa, or even purchasing a store bought scrub. Body scrubs are so fast and easy to make and are the perfect way to get your glow on. You can try my favorite DIY recipe here.


Steam Your Face

One of the biggest reasons people get facials is that steam! Steam doesn’t only open the pores (making extractions easier during facials), but it also helps add moisture to the skin. Find a place that does organic facials. If weekly facials aren’t in the budget, you can steam your skin at home by adding hot water into a bowl (or your sink) and covering your head with a towel to trap the steam. Get extra benefits by adding some of your favorite essential oils!


Mist Your Skin

Toners, mists, hydrosols. They have a lot of names, but the purpose of these skin waters are to feed your face with nutrients and added hydration. Keep one in your bag, like our In Bloom Hydrating Mist, and spritz your skin with moisture throughout the day.

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