Day 5: Soups + Smoothies

     Today I get to eat, how excited am I? Even after more "stuff" came out of my bottom this morning, I have decided it was time to introduce food back into my body. The stuff that came out wasn't much. After two days of not eating, I'm pretty sure my colon is clean enough and I didn't think I could handle even one more foodless day. To think in my 20s I did the Masterclease for 7 days straight!

     After starting the day with lemon water, followed by herbal tea (Berry Detox by Yogi) I made myself a smoothie. I decided to drink it slow and it kept me full for hours. Around 3pm, I started making my green soup, an alkalizing, pureed soup that was actually very yummy and the perfect food after 2 days of not eating. I had one bowl right after making it and then another when I got back from teaching my yoga class. 

     Afterwards, I was craving something sweet, and gave into the craving. I had a scoop of peanut butter from the jar. Don't judge me! At least it was vegan and gluten-free?

Here's the recipe for my delicious green soup:

Gina's Green Soup


-1 container of Trader Joe's Mirapoix (onions/carrots/celery)

- 1 leak (white + light green parts only), sliced

- 1 bay leaf

- 1 Tbsp coconut oil

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 6 cups vegetable stock

- 1 head of broccoli, chopped

- 2 cups spinach

- 1 handful parsley

- 1 handful cilantro

- 1 cup cashews

- salt + white pepper to taste

- Saute mirapoix and leak until fragrant, around 2 minutes, then add garlic and broccoli and cook for another minute. 

- Puree cashews with 1/2 cup of the vegetable stock until smooth. Add remaining stock and bay leaf to vegetables on medium heat and cook for 15 minutes. 

- Remove pot from heat. Remove bayleaf from soup and add spinach, parsley, cilantro, and cashew mix. Puree until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. 




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